A program for authentic, inspiring women.

Le programme S·H·I·N·E est un parcours dédié aux femmes expatriées vivant en Suisse, qui cherchent à transformer leur état d’esprit, à se mettre en réseau avec d’autres femmes aspirant à la même chose, à accélérer leur apprentissage et à bénéficier d’un soutien professionnel à de multiples niveaux.

The aim of this program is to help expatriate women rediscover, realize and develop their own talents, so that they emerge transformed and more resilient. Using advanced personal and professional development techniques and methods, participants learn to manage their emotions, set priorities, present themselves convincingly, progress in their careers and find a balance between their career and their personal life.

Why this program:

Ana Magdalena Hüni

Ana Magdalena Hüni

North Star Coaching

We've experienced first-hand what it's like to arrive in Switzerland as ambitious expatriates, ready to continue our careers built successfully in Romania. We know what it means to encounter a different reality here, full of different challenges, and sometimes biases and prejudices. And we also know what it's like to feel you can't move forward without a profound change.

Throughout our integration, we had to learn new behaviors and adapt, drawing on the education we received in our home country as a foundation. There are many hurdles to overcome when taking this step, and looking back, we realized that what made the difference for us were a few key elements, which we'll be sharing throughout the program, offering opportunities for personal reflection, debate and practical exercises.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional program and to experiencing personal and professional transformation!

Rodica Rosu Fridez

Rodica Rosu Fridez


S-H-I-N-E values



The ability to understand one's own emotions, thoughts and behaviors and how they influence performance and relationships.



The ability to be open and recognize personal limits, learn from mistakes and accept help and feedback from others.



Adhere to your personal principles and values in all your actions and decisions, and be honest and authentic in your professional relationships and responsibilities.



Taking care of ourselves and continuously developing our personal skills and knowledge, as well as taking care of others and supporting them in their efforts to grow and develop.



Empowerment and reinforcement of personal and professional autonomy, both for oneself and for others, in order to reach one's full potential.

Program structure:

Duration and format

Le programme se déroule sur 4 mois dans un format hybride :

– dix rencontres hebdomadaires en ligne (durée de 2 heures) et
– deux rencontres en présentiel (une demi-journée chacune)
pour les modules de lancement et de clôture, avec apéro et réseautage.


The course is structured into 12 modules grouped into 4 pillars.

The main themes are self-knowledge, self-confidence, adaptability, ambition and female solidarity.


Explore and identify personal and professional values.

How to set priorities and healthy limits.


Develop self-confidence and initiative.

Identify your strengths and personal development vectors.



Understanding and managing cultural differences.

How to reinvent yourself and present yourself convincingly.

Ongoing Support

Setting up a learning and support network.

How to support each other authentically and ethically.

Need more information?

Book a free 30-minute call to find out if this program is right for you.

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