100 days to boost your talents

Experience the A effect

Ambition changes the equation

Parce que le monde a besoin de femmes ambitieuses

INSPIRACTION a lancé le déploiement des programmes L’effet A en Suisse, visant à

developing the potential of a new generation of women leaders

Fondée à Montréal en 2015, L’effet A — A pour Ambition — est une initiative qui vise à propulser l’ambition féminine. Nous aidons les femmes et soutenons les entreprises avec un idéal : contribuer à la création d’un monde plus égalitaire.

Present in Switzerland since 2019, L'effet A offers professional development programs - in French and English - that enable women to reveal their talent, equip them to better communicate their ambition and propel their careers.


The statistics speak for themselves:

in Swiss companies, women are still under-represented in management positions.


Women account for 41.3% of the workforce, but only :

28 %

of the boards of directors

20 %

steering committees* 

27 %

 middle management* 

* Schilling Report 2024


Two activation levers :


Encourage women to gain confidence in their talents, make themselves more visible, assume their ambitions and propel their careers forward.


Encourage companies to invest in their female talent for greater impact on corporate culture and overall performance.

Les femmes qui ont expérimenté L’effet A en ressortent transformées. Regardez leurs témoignages inspirants:

Live the experience

100-day challenge * The A effect